This is one of my favorite books, I have read it at least five times, and it always arouses my curiosity.
The book is a series of short stories having Albert Einstein as the bored protagonist of a patent office clerk. So bored that he falls asleep and dreams about time …
What if the time were upside down? That we begin the life old and wise and as time passes we become more immature and ignorant?
What would happen if the time length were different for each one? Time goes by faster for happy and slower for sad and bored people (and therefore this is the reason why when we do something we don’t like time seems eternal?)
What if a life span were only a day? You wake up without knowing what happened yesterday because there was no “yesterday” and at night you die. What would your relationships be? Your actions? Your reactions?
This is what this book is all about; incredible short stories to spark the imagination.